Mini-workshop on quantum verification
发布时间: 2019-05-22     文章作者:     访问次数: 1684

Mini-workshop on quantum verification 

16 Aug - 18 Aug 2019

Fudan University, Shanghai 


With the rapid development of quantum information science, quantum systems underlying quantum information processing get bigger and more complex. It is therefore more urgent to find efficient ways for characterizing large quantum systems and quantum operations on these systems. Due to the exponentially increasing dimension of the Hilbert space, approaches based on traditional quantum tomography are hardly applicable. On the other hand, full tomography is usually not necessary to extract the key information required to make the decision. Recently, a probabilistic approach called quantum verification has gained increasing attention due to its high efficiency and several other merits. Notably, this approach can be applied without the i.i.d. assumption underlying most traditional tomographic protocols and which often cannot be guaranteed in practice. The potential and limitation of this approach are still not well understood. This mini-workshop hopes to gather experts and junior researchers to discuss the latest developments and challenges in characterizing large quantum systems from the perspective of quantum verification. The main interests include but are not limited to   

I. Efficient verification of quantum computation
II. Efficient verification of quantum states
III. Efficient detection of multipartite entanglement and property testing

Huangjun Zhu (Fudan University), organizer
Jiangwei Shang (Beijing Institute of Technology), co-organizer
