召唤新时代青年英才,第六届アプリ オンラインカジノ光华青年学者论坛-物理学分论坛
发布时间: 2021-12-20     文章作者:     访问次数: 1347


アプリ オンラインカジノ光华青年学者论坛是学校实施主动觅才、精准选才战略的重要品牌活动,自2016年开始,已连续举办五届,吸引近3000名海内外优秀青年人才报名。在深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于新时代人才工作的新理念新战略新举措和中央人才工作会议精神的基础上,本届论坛以召唤新时代青年英才,共建高水平人才高地为主题,目标是为建设一流师资队伍,加大人才对外开放,大力引进具有国际竞争力的青年英才,集聚一批未来科学领军人才发挥重要作用。



アプリ オンラインカジノ第届光华青年学者论坛-物理学分论坛定于20222月通过线上会议形式举行,由アプリ オンラインカジノ、现代物理研究所/核科学与技术系和微纳电子器件与量子计算机研究院共同承办。


































アプリ オンラインカジノ简介

アプリ オンラインカジノ校名取自《尚书大传》之日月光华,旦复旦兮,始创于1905年,原名复旦公学,1917年定名为アプリ オンラインカジノ,是中国人自主创办的第一所高等院校。上海医科大学前身是1927年创办的国立第四中山大学医学院。2000年,アプリ オンラインカジノ与上海医科大学合并。目前,学校拥有哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、医学、管理学、艺术学等11个学科门类;2017年,学校入选双一流建设高校名单,确立了27双一流建设学科,是一所世界知名、国内顶尖的综合性研究型大学。

目前,アプリ オンラインカジノ有直属院(系)35个,附属医院18家(其中4家筹建)。学校设有本科专业79个,拥有一级学科博士学位授权点37个,一级学科硕士学位授权点43个(含一级学科博士学位授权点),博士专业学位授权点4个,硕士专业学位授权点32个,博士后科研流动站35个。在校普通本、专科生13991人,研究生22232人(含全日制和非全日制的大陆港澳台生),学历留学生2946人。在校教学科研人员3139人。


アプリ オンラインカジノ简介

アプリ オンラインカジノ物理学科现为物理学国家重点一级学科,国家双一流建设学科、国家第四次学科评估A类学科、上海市高峰学科,下设理论物理、凝聚态物理和光学三个二级国家重点学科。建有应用表面物理国家重点实验室物质计算科学教育部重点实验室微纳光子结构教育部重点实验室,并负责管理运行校级微纳加工平台。

202111月,アプリ オンラインカジノ共有教职工115人,包括教授67人、副教授18人、实验技术人员15人、行政管理人员9人。其中,中国科学院院士和兼职院士9人;国家杰出青年科学基金获得者19人;973首席科学家6人;美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow6人,美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow1人。有多名教授在国际学术机构中任职并获得国际物理学重要奖励。有基金委创新群体3个,教育部创新团队3个。

アプリ オンラインカジノ作为国家基础学科人才培养基地,建有国家级实验教学示范中心和国家级虚拟仿真实验教学中心。有国家一流本科课程2门,国家级精品课程5门;多次获国家级教学成果奖;有多本教材获得国家奖项。





The department of Physics, Fudan University

  The Department of Physics of Fudan University has grown out of a long and distinguished tradition. In 1952, the Department of Physics was founded after unifying physics departments of 8 universities in East China, including Fudan University, Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University, Hujiang University, and Datong University. The earlier faculty members of the department, including Fushan Wang, Tongqing Zhou, Hefu Lu, Xide Xie, andShixun Zhou, set high standards for research and education. The continuous efforts of their successors to meet and surpass these high standards have led to the department becoming one of the top centers for physics research and education in China and East Asia.

  The Department of Physics includes 5 subsidiary disciplines: theoretical physics, condensed matter physics, optics, atomic/molecular/optical physics, high energy physics, and astrophysics. Fudan Physics has 3 state-funded key labs, including one National Key Laboratory of Applied Surface Physics and two Ministry of Education Key Laboratories for Computational Physical Sciences, Micro- and Nanophotonics.

   There are a total of 115 faculty members working in the Department, including over 30 excellent young faculties recruited over the past 5 years as the result of a strategic fast expansion period. 

  To date, more than 10,000 students have graduated from Fudan Physics. Many of them have gone on to be recognized for their outstanding professional achievements. Among them, over 30 graduates have been elected as Chinese national academy members and Chinese Academy of Engineering; Zhi-Xun Shen and Shoucheng Zhang have been awarded the Oliver E. Buckley Prize by the American Physical Society in 2011 and 2012, respectively, and both were elected as US national academy members of arts and sciences in 2014.

  The goal of the Fudan Physics is to develop into one of the leading Physics departments, for both education and research. To achieve this goal, Fudan physics will continue its success in recruiting internationally renowned physicists, developing strong and balanced education and research programs in all of the 5 sub-disciplines of physics, and by continuing to improve the atmosphere for faculty members to carry out creative and innovative research. The recent completion of a new Physics Building with 270,000 square feet of office and lab space and a 10,000 square feet nanofabrication clean is an excellent indicator of, Fudan Physics commitment to pursue groundbreaking scientific discoveries, generate new transformational technologies, and, most importantly, to produce graduates with real-world experience in a state-of-the-art research environment that will allow them to smoothly transit to top graduate programs or directly to modern industrial facilities.


アプリ オンラインカジノ现代物理研究所/核科学与技术系简介

アプリ オンラインカジノ现代物理研究所|核科学与技术系,始建于195812月,曾用名原子能系、原子核科学系,又称复旦物理二系。建系时设有原子核物理和放射化学两个本科专业。1986年放射化学专业改建为应用化学专业,1987年原子核物理专业改建为应用物理专业。19977月,因アプリ オンラインカジノ本科专业调整,原子核科学系建制撤销,原应用物理专业改建为现代物理研究所,以研究生培养为主。2009年在现代物理研究所的基础上重建核科学与技术系,设立核技术本科专业,2012年专业名称定为核工程与核技术



作为复旦双一流学科——物理学的重要组成部分,アプリ オンラインカジノ现代物理研究所|核科学与技术系建有核物理与离子束应用教育部重点实验室、上海市原子与分子物理重点学科和上海EBIT实验室等重要研究平台,重点发展四大学科方向——粒子物理与核物理、原子与分子物理、核技术及其应用、理论与计算物理。目前主要研究领域包括:量子色动力学和高能核-核碰撞物理、重离子物理和放射性核束物理、中微子物理、电荷共轭和宇称(CP)对称性破缺与强子物理、高电荷态离子物理、原子结构和原子碰撞、新概念等离子体物理及其诊断技术、量子光学与精密测量、材料的物理设计及制备、激光与物质相互作用、离子束核材料物理、离子束生物医学物理和离子束科技考古等。目前承担包括国家科技部和基金委重大研究计划在内的各类国际合作和国家级研究项目50余项。系所坚持开放办学,与国内外多所知名高校和研究机构建立了广泛而密切的合作关系。


150 keV 低温超导电子束离子阱装置(国内唯一、国际仅有的4台高能EBIT装置之一)


The Institute of Modern Physics (IMP)/Department of Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) at Fudan University, formerly the Department of Atomic Energy, was established in December 1958. It is one of the first national research institutions dedicated to nuclear physics major.

It began to enroll undergraduate students in 1958, graduate students in 1962, doctoral students in 1982, and postdoctoral researchers in 1985. IMP/NST is authorized to confer bachelor’s degrees in 1 majors of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology, master's degrees in 3 majors of particle physics and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, and plasma physics, as well as doctoral degrees in 2 majors of particle physics and nuclear physics and atomic and molecular physics. Since 1962, IMP/NST has cultivated 3000+ bachelors, 250+ masters and 120+ doctors, and currently there are more than 124 undergraduate and 101 graduate students studying at IMP/NST. Most of the graduates are dedicated in the field of nuclear science and technology, some playing leadership roles in China’s nuclear science and technology industries.

Under the leadership of distinguished physicists such as Academician Wu Zhengkai, Academician Lu Hefu and Academician Yang Fujia and after several generations of faculties and students, IMP/NST has become one of the most important high-tech and high-end talent training centers in China for nuclear science and technology. IMP/NST has 52 faculty members, including three international faculty members. 26 faculty members hold renowned professional titles: two Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academicians, two American Physical Society (APS) Fellows, four National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Distinguished Young Scholars, two NSFC Excellent Young Scholars, etc.

As an important contributor to Fudan's “Double First-Class” discipline programs in physics, relying on the research facilities of the MOE Key Lab of Nuclear Physics and Ion-Beam Application and the Shanghai EBIT Laboratory, IMP/NST focuses on the development of four university disciplines: particle physics and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, nuclear technology and its applications, and theoretical and computational physics. The broad research areas of IMP/NST include Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), high-energy nucleus-nucleus collision, heavy-ion and radioactive nuclear beam physics, neutrino physics, charge-conjugation and parity violation (CPV), hadron physics, high charge state ion physics, atomic structure and atomcollision, new concept plasma physics and its diagnostic techniques, quantum optics and precision measurement, physical design and fabrication of materials, laser and matter interaction, ion-beam nuclear material physics, ion-beam biomedicine physics and ion-beam technology in archaeology. IMP/NST is involved in many international collaborative experiments. It is a member institution of the BESIII experiment at the Institute of High-Energy Physics (IHEP, Beijing), the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, the STAR and sPHENIX experiments at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL, US), the Belle II experiment at the High Energy Research Organization (KEK, Japan), and the LHC-CMS experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva). At present, IMP/NST is undertaking more than 50 international cooperation and national research projects including major NSFC research projects. IMP/NST is one of the first to offer master- and doctoral-degree programs in nuclear physics and nuclear technology in China. It has established extensive and close cooperation with many well-known universities and research institutions at home and abroad.



アプリ オンラインカジノ微纳电子器件与量子计算机研究院简介

アプリ オンラインカジノ微纳电子器件与量子计算机研究院是集创新人才培养、创新精英汇聚、源头创新研发、成果转化培育为一体的多功能开放性的研发平台。研究院瞄准未来信息技术发展前沿,围绕量子器件和量子计算等研究领域进行系统的研究,培养一批具有国际竞争力和影响力的创新人才和产业领袖,为我国在未来占领信息技术的制高点奠定基础。

研究院目前拥有一个净化面积500平方米的微纳加工和器件公共实验室,设备总投资约5000万,能够提供20nm分辨率的二维图形加工能力。作为一个对外开放的校级公共实验设施,承担了多项国家重大科学研究计划,已经满负荷运行。同时,研究院积极组织并参与了上海期智中心的筹建工作,上海期智研究院20201月已经正式挂牌成立,研究院将和期智研究院共同致力于以计算科学和物理学为基础,利用相关交叉学科的先发优势和领先地位建设一个具有国际知名度的科研平台。此外,研究院联合上海复享光学股份有限公司成立了光检测与光集成校企联合研究中心,围绕微纳制程光学量测技术,在アプリ オンラインカジノ国家大学科技园进行前沿科学和市场实际需求相结合的探索性、实用性研究。


研究院自2017年成立以来,在物理材料、工程及相关器件领域共发表论文222篇,其中包括Science 3篇,Nature 6篇,Nature子刊 14篇,PRL 28篇 ,PNAS 3

Introduction to Forum

Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars is an important brand event aiming at positive and precise talent recruitment. Since 2016, it has been held for five consecutive years, attracting nearly 3,000 outstanding young talents from home and abroad. Based on further study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new ideas, strategies, and measures on talent work in the new era, and further understanding of the spirit of the Central Conference on Talent Work, the forum themed “Summoning Young Talents of the New Era and Building a High-Level Talent High-land” is to be held this year, in the hope of laying a solid foundation for the development of a first-class teaching staff, the opening of the talent sector, the recruitment of internationally-competitive young talents, and the gathering of a group of future leaders of science and technology.


Forum Setup

Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars is composed of 42 sub-forums, which will be held during the period from Dec, 2021. to Feb, 2022.

The detailed information of the sub-forums will be shown on the website  http://ghforum.fudan.edu.cn/.

At the same time, young scholars can contact the sub-forums directly to get the application information.

Sub-Forum of Physics will be held on Feb, 2022 (Online).

Application Requirements


1. Age below 40;

2. Ph. D.holders;

3.Have outstanding achievements and great potentials in specific research area.

Application Procedure

1. Please send your application materials to each department before Feb. 13th, 2022

Department of Physics, Fudan Universityyangxl1989@fudan.edu.cn

Institute of Modern Physics (IMP)/Department of Nuclear Science and Technology (NST), Fudan University


Institute for Nanoelectronic devices and Quantum computing:


2.Qualified applicants will receive official invitation letter via E-mail inthe middle ofFebruary, 2022, to participate in the Forum.

Contact Us

Sub-Forum of Physics



Department of Physics(Leading Unit)





Institute for Nanoelectronic Devices and Quantum Computing(Joint Unit)





Institute of Modern Physics(Joint Unit)





